It’s important that your voice is heard. At home, at school, in your municipality, but also in the world, such as at the United Nations. The Youth Representatives for Sustainable Development speak with Dutch youth to then give them a voice at the United Nations and the Climate Summit.
Other than Sustainable Development, there are also youth representatives for Human Rights and Safety, European Affairs and Biodiversity and Food.
Together with a working group, the youth representatives gather the opinions and ideas of young people. They do this through things like giving guest lessons and workshops at schools, visiting events and organising activities. All opinions and ideas gathered by youth representatives are discussed with politicians, policy makers and within official government delegations. They go to the climate negotiations at UNFCCC and to the High Level Political Forum about the Sustainable Development Goals.
These youth representatives are supported by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate.
in conversation
That’s what youth representatives like to be. Are you interested in having us as a speaker? Or would you like to invite us for a conversation, dialogue, event or other occasion that centres on youth? Send an email to Kiki ([email protected]) or Sarah ([email protected]).
working group
The working group Young and Sustainable (Jong en Duurzaam in Dutch) supports the Youth Representatives for Sustainable Development. The working group consists of ten to fifteen driven young people aged 16 to 26. Together they give guest lessons at secondary schools and organise projects and events, like a school competition or debate night about sustainability. They do this by themselves or together with the youth representatives (and often with another collaborator). Via social media they keep their followers updated on interesting and current UN news. The working group meets in Utrecht every two weeks.
guest lessons
Want to request a guest lesson from the working group UN Youth? You can! Guest lessons on radicalisation or about peace and safety can be adapted to every class. You can request this guest lesson or receive more information at [email protected].
follow the youth representatives
You can follow the youth representatives on their or Instagram channel.
do it yourself?
Do you want to become active as a youth representative or as part of the working group? Leave your details here and you’ll receive an email when there are openings.