Youth Advisory Committee Cohort III

These young people are the members of the current Youth Advisory Committee.

Abdulrahman AlBoRagheef - Iraq

"I have always been passionate about making a positive impact in my community, which led me to become a dedicated volunteer since 2014. As a political activist and young researcher, my interests revolve around empowering youth, advocating for human rights, and addressing the pressing issue of climate change.

I co-founded SASA Organization for the Promotion of Democracy, aiming to promote democratic values and empower individuals to actively participate in shaping a better future. Through my work, I aspire to contribute to a more just and sustainable society."

Shamim Wasii Nyanda - Tanzania

"My friends and colleagues usually compare me to horses who are social creatures and thrive in environments where they can form strong bonds with others. I advocate for and activate youth representation from GS on global platforms. I also equip them with the knowledge and skills to do so.

I am a passionate advocate and activator of the planet’s safety and liveability for all. I am the Founder of Doors of Hope Foundation in Tanzania, a Youth-Led Organization working on Climate Change Education, Youth and Women Empowerment as well as Ocean Climate Solutions. I lead the Tanzania Ocean Climate Innovation Hub Endorsed by the UN Ocean Decade as part of the GEOS program under Ocean Visions to foster Collaboration, Innovation, Ocean Science while promoting Ocean Climate Solutions with Ocean Literacy as the backbone of our Solutions. I am self-motivated and driven to work with and for young people across Tanzania and Beyond."

Angel Mbuthia - Kenya

"I am deeply dedicated to the belief that each generation has its own unique quest, and I firmly believe that ours revolves around shaping a world that is both peaceful and prosperous. Every single day, I actively commit myself to this mission by diligently creating purposeful platforms and opportunities for young individuals to grow and excel in any way possible.

Throughout my journey, I have tirelessly served the cause of students, beginning during my undergraduate years, extending to youth in Kenya, and then broadening my impact across the continent and eventually the globe. This quest fuels my passion, and I remain steadfast in its pursuit with unwavering devotion."

Damilola Babatunde - Nigeria

"I am a project manager and policy advocate deeply committed to fostering the meaningful inclusion of youth in international policymaking. As the Founder and Executive Director of Young Changemakers Foundation, I lead a vibrant, youth-led organization dedicated to positively transforming lives and communities through capacity building, research and policy advocacy.

In addition to my leadership role, I have served as a consultant for various global organizations and been invited to contribute insights at consultations hosted by prominent multilateral bodies such as the World Health Organization, UN Women, and World Bank. My work is driven by the conviction that empowering young voices and fostering collaborative solutions can pave the way to a more equitable and promising future."

Wilfried Sougrinoma Armel Sebgo - Burkina Faso

"I am Wilfried Sebgo from Burkina Faso. I am a young peace builder resolutely committed to carrying the voice of youth, these explorers of the world of possibilities. Holder of a Master's degree in Diplomacy and International Relations, I am currently in charge of projects in a human rights organization.

I also work in training and consulting. Since 2009, I am involved in community work and member of several national and international youth platforms. I am sensitive to all that affects youth and women in terms of access to health, employment, governance, etc. I have worked in several organizations, in multi-stakeholder projects and complex situations in the field of peace, human rights, governance and youth empowerment."

Hany Anan - Lebanon

"I’m Hany Anan, a dynamic refugee from Lebanon committed to youth development and community service. With a degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the American University of Beirut, I shifted my focus to using technology for humanitarian purposes. As the Youth Development Delegate at UNDP Lebanon, I lead various youth projects impacting thousands annually. I also founded ToRead SARL to create opportunities for youth through technology and innovation and am currently pursuing a master’s in Global Technology and Development at Arizona State University.

My work has earned recognition locally, regionally, and internationally. Passionate about development and travel, I’ve explored over 17 countries in the past two years, gaining a global perspective on sustainability and community projects. Joining the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Youth Advisory Committee excites me because it provides a unique platform to influence policy and advocate for youth-centric initiatives. Collaborating with like-minded young leaders, I look forward to contributing fresh perspectives and innovative solutions, shaping the future for youth in my region, and driving positive change on both national and international levels."

Enow Awah Georges Stevens - Chad

"I’m Enow Awah Georges Stevens, a Youth Frontline Health Worker and Sexual and Reproductive Health expert with extensive experience in global health, HIV/AIDS, and SRMNCAH. I’ve worked in emergency and post-conflict settings in the Sahel and Sub-Saharan Africa, holding roles from clinician in gynecology and obstetrics to manager of reproductive health projects.

Joining the Youth Advisory Committee (YAC) excites me because it offers a unique platform to drive positive change and develop my leadership skills. I look forward to collaborating with diverse young leaders to address key issues like mental health, digital inclusion, and social justice. This opportunity allows me to contribute to impactful initiatives, raise awareness, and work towards sustainable solutions."

Yasmine Aburaya - Egypt

"I’m Yasmine Aburaya, a master’s graduate in International Cooperation and Protection of Human Rights and the founder of Your Voice Initiative Against Violence Against Women. Since 2020, I’ve been actively involved in women’s rights and combating violence against women. As a member of the Arab States Civil Society and Feminists Network and a Women of the South Speak Out fellow for the MENA region, I’m dedicated to empowering youth and driving equitable change.

Joining the Youth Advisory Committee excites me because it offers a unique chance to directly influence policy and give youth a voice in decision-making at the Ministry. I look forward to collaborating with diverse young leaders, tackling global challenges, and focusing on critical regions like the Horn of Africa, the Sahel, and MENA for meaningful youth development and empowerment."

Hadi Toure Guindo - Mali

"I’m Hadi Toure Guindo, a water treatment engineer with experience in implementing projects for drinking water services, including setting up revolving funds and decentralized systems for vulnerable communities and indigenous fishing camps. I co-founded AFR’EAU in Mali and currently manage the Dji Mansa project, which highlights traditional water knowledge of the Bozo and Sorko communities in Mali and Niger.

Joining the Youth Advisory Committee excites me because it offers a unique opportunity to work with the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs on crucial issues impacting youth in the Sahel. I’m eager to help craft policies that reflect the realities of local communities and drive meaningful change."

Karabo Mokgonyana - South Africa

"I’m Karabo Mokgonyana, a legal and development practitioner specializing in youth and gender development, human rights, and climate issues. With a Master’s in International Law, I work for a climate change think tank focused on renewable energy in Africa. I’ve collaborated with institutions like the African Union, UNICEF, and the Commonwealth on programs for marginalized communities and co-founded Sesi Fellowship and Skill Hub to support young women’s education and employability.

I’m excited about joining the Youth Advisory Committee because it offers a chance to shape Dutch MFA policies impacting youth in Africa and MENA. This role will allow me to work with diverse international youth on key issues like education, work, and participation, and contribute to areas such as youth entrepreneurship and digitalisation. It aligns perfectly with my passion for meaningful change in youth development."

René Edouard Mendis - Senegal

"I’m René Edouard Mendis, a facilitator dedicated to fostering positive synergies between youth and organizations for community improvement. With a degree in Political Science and International Relations, I’m a certified collective intelligence facilitator and lead projects at the Social Change Factory. I’ve been recognized by the Dalberg Talent Academy and as a ONE Champion, and I curate the Dakar hub of the Global Shapers Community. Recently, I became the national coordinator of the African Youth Panel.

I’m excited about this project because it offers a platform for meaningful dialogue and cooperation between youth and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on crucial policies. This role aligns perfectly with my passion for empowering young people in education, employment, and participation, and I look forward to contributing my expertise to achieve the project’s goals."